Mandatory insurance of the carrier’s civil liability against passengers

Mandatory insurance of the carrier’s civil liability against passengers

Since February 12, 2009 the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 189 as of 04.082008 “On mandatory insurance of the carrier’s civil liability against passengers” entered into force.

Who must conclude an agreement of mandatory insurance?

Insurance agreement shall be concluded by individual persons and / or legal entities, owing railway, water, air, automobile transport means on the right of ownership or on other legal basis and having permission of authorized state authority for carrying out transportation of passengers and their property for payment or by employment in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Liability limits:

Liability limit for the risk of life and health damaging of passengers makes up 300 000 KGS per one passenger.

Limit for the risk of damaging of one passenger’s property comprises 10 000 KGS.

Total liability limit per one passenger amounts to 310 000 KGS.

Insurance tariff:

1. For automobile transportation

Annual insurance premium is equal to product of basic tariff and coefficient depending on type of transport vehicle, and quantity of passenger seats in transport vehicle, and liability limit per one passenger.

Insurance agreement is concluded for every transport vehicle separately.

Basic insurance tariff is equal to 0,045 %.

1. According to a type of transport vehicle


Cars, buses, microbuses


Trolley buses


2. According to a type of transportation




Interurban and international


2. For aviation of transport

Insurance premium for one trip is equal to product of basic insurance tariff and quantity of actually filled passenger seats in the aircraft and the liability limit per one passenger.

Basic tariff is equal to 0,007 %. Insurance agreement is concluded for each trip separately.

3. For railway transportation

Annual insurance premium for this type of transportation is equal to product of the basic tariff and annual income of carrier from sale of tickets for this kind of transportation and coefficient for this type of transportation.

Basic tariff is equal to 5%.

Type of transportation






Insurance agreement is concluded for actually transported passengers during the year.

In case of intergovernmental passenger transportations, the insurance agreement is concluded for actually dispatched passengers during the year from railway stations of the Kyrgyz Republic in trains of Kyrgyz formation.

4. For water transportation

Insurance premium is equal to product of 1% from the ticket cost and quantity of actually transported passengers during the year of insurance.

Insurance agreement is concluded for each actually transported passenger for a term of one year.

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