Voluntary health insurance

Object of insurance

Property interest of the Insured, related to the material costs of rendering medical care to the Insured.

Insurance case

The events stipulated by the insurance contract, with the onset of which the Insurer\'s duty arises to make an insurance payment on the account provided by the medical institution.

The insured event is an appeal

Insured person in a medical institution or private doctor who is part of the medical network of the Insurer, for receiving consultative, preventive, curative or other assistance related to the state of health of the Insured and requiring medical assistance.

Amount of liability of the insurer

Under the insurance contract, the following types of medical assistance can be provided:

Outpatient care - includes counseling and other professional services of doctors, laboratory research, dental care, home care.

Inpatient care - includes counseling and other professional services for doctors, diagnostic tests, laboratory tests, hospital stay, nutrition, nursing care, stay in the intensive care unit, use of the operating room and postoperative ward, services usually provided by the inpatient facility, Medical manipulations, anesthetics and their introduction, carrying out of rehabilitation measures prescribed by the attending physician and necessary for rebuilding copulating after illness.

Emergency medical care - includes the departure of the emergency medical team, medical manipulation, as well as transportation and hospitalization of the Insured.

The medical expenses of the Insured are paid according to the following indications:

  • Emergency indications;
  • Painful symptoms, burns and injuries, shock conditions;
  • Symptoms of changes in blood pressure;
  • Diagnostic indications;
  • The complex of measures necessary for the diagnosis (laboratory and instrumental studies, specialist consultations, clinical examination);
  • Therapeutic indications;
  • The complex of measures necessary for the treatment of the Insured with the established diagnosis;
  • Prophylactic indications;
  • The complex of measures necessary to prevent possible diseases and prevent the established (vaccination, preventive examinations);
  • Home service;
  • Access to the network of family doctors and nurses serving at home.
Voluntary health insurance